I'm a description. Click to edit me
I'm a description. Click to edit me
I'm a description. Click to edit me
I'm a description. Click to edit me
Designing for large corporations presents a particular set of challenges. To express creativity within the confines of strict brand guidelines, sometimes guidelines that I myself create. Many times having to chose pragmatism over unimpeded creative expression. It's a delicate, yet beautiful dance that is necessary and proven to achieve success...a dance I've been doing since 2004.
It's not just a political stump speech phrase, it's a statistical truth. Small business continues to be the backbone of the American economy and I take special pride in helping them grow through design and consulting. Small business owners are brave and take great personal risk. I never lose sight of that. Designing for a small business cannot be seen simply as an opportunity to profit, but must be interpreted as a calling; to be a contributor to what makes this economy truly unique amongst the nations.
From developing the storyboard to coordinating the various aspects to get the production going, you can count on me to help get your next video off the ground.
The accolades here go to my wife. Educated at FIT-NYC; the studio, set and food are her canvas. Trust me, don't try it on your own. Many have fallen in the battle field of food and set design, thinking it was a simple endeavor. Only to be greeted by the ironic "Nailed it!". Leave it to the pros.
Thanks for taking the time to drop by. Learn more about me and the kind of work I look forward to doing for you. I've been fortunate to work in a multifaceted design agency since 2004 and have acquired a wealth of knowledge and experience that I pour into every project. To get to know be better, make sure to visit the I AM tab. Enjoy!